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Writer: Isabella AbbiatiIsabella Abbiati

@NEEDLEWORK_EXPO I prefer to design something that touched my heart... During one of my trip to Ireland, probably 15 years ago, I came across the incredible story of BRIDGET CLEARY. Children use to sing a rhyme. are you a witch or are you a fairy or are you the wife of Michael Cleary? So... who is Bridget Cleary? Let's ask wiki a hand: "Bridget Cleary (née Boland; Irish: Bríd Uí Chléirigh; 19 Feb 1867 – 15 March 1895) was an Irish woman who was murdered by her husband in 1895. She was either immolated or her body was set on fire immediately after her death. The husband's stated motive was his belief that she had been abducted by fairies and replaced with a changeling, which he then killed. The gruesome nature of the case prompted extensive press coverage, and the trial was closely followed by newspapers across Ireland."

So, basically, we should think that Bridget is still alive in a Fairy mound and that a fairy has been killed instead of her... I do not know what it could make me worse....

As nobody knows about Bridget, I hope that, at least in our little communitity, we'll remember her.

BRIDGET CLEARY PATTERN come with the printed fabric that depict Bridget. Please order by your LNs or by me if you are in Europe or you do not have the chance to contact an american cross stitch shop (I think there's an australian shop and I'm sure there's an english shop, both subscribed the market and can place an order for you).


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